Autumn 2020 Global LGBTQIA+ and Everybody Else Feldenkrais® Festival!
September 22 - 27, 2020
Festival Memories
This was the best Feldenkrais Festival to date!
We had 12 of the most sought after practitioners in North America and close to 2,000 people world wide attended! The teachers included Jeff Haller, Larry Goldfarb, Frederick Schjang, Scott Fraser, Nick Strauss-Klein, Peggi Honig, Angela Alston, and many, many more.
Again thanks go out to the New York Region of FGNA and the teachers who donated their time. That support allows us to continue to present the Festivals with no financial barrier to entry.
We featured 20 different classes plus special events and exclusive interviews with pioneers in the Feldenkrais community. We even presented a movie featuring Moshe Feldenkrais himself.
The Festival, again is open to everyone regardless of age, gender identity or romantic preference.