Here is a recap on the First LGBTQA Festival!
We had over a thousand sign-ins and a great time was had by all!
All of us are looking to make sense of our lives in these extraordinary times. To protect our health many of us are sequestered in our homes for much of the day or even days at a time. Our economic futures for the most part are also very uncertain. But just because the terrain is different, it doesn’t mean that we can’t move forward. I found myself saying in an interview the other day, “ the economy may have stopped but I haven’t! I can still do good work!” Why not do the seemingly impossible? Why not create an online series of classes, put together in just a few days, to celebrate the birthday of Moshe Feldenkrais?
In that spirit, I am thrilled to be celebrating International Feldenkrais Week with FREE classes taught by amazing group of some of my favorite Feldenkrais Teachers in the world from Friday, May 1 through Monday May 11, 2020.
Partnering with the New York Region of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America and some of my favorite Guild Certified Feldenkrais teachers in the USA we will present a special series of free classes that anyone can sign in on and enjoy! Rooted in my recent and rather unexpected success in transferring my Edie Windsor SAGE LGBTQ Elder Center Feldenkrais Classes to the Internet, we invite you to take as many classes over the next ten days or so online as you like.
And it’s all free and everyone is invited to attend regardless of age, gender identity or romantic preference.
FEATURED TEACHERS: Nick Strauss-Klein, Janet Steele, John Link, Jill Van Note, Peggi Honig, Frederick Schjang and in a rare pair of awareness through movement classes for the general public, Larry Goldfarb, Ph.D, GCFT.
Closing Celebration Jazz Trio in Harlem; The ward winning Emmet Cohen Trio!Supported by the New York Region of FGNA and Feldenkrais Festivals/