We have again assembled many of the finest Awareness through Movement® Teachers in the world

Frederick Schjang


Poetry with Saba Saba

A reading with Strawberry Form

Sonic Octet

Art Workshop w/ Dances & Wolves

Totem Archetypes w/ Tectonic Plates


Larry Goldfarb


Breathing Techniques w/ Sandy Shore

Yoga w/ Heather Lydia

Tai Chi & Restorative Balance w/ Shaun Guskte

Rituals and Balance w/ NovaWave


Nick Strauss-Klein


Building a Website w/ Squarespace

Natural Architecture w/ Stephen Finely

Design Grids w Marvin the Martian

Alternative Energy Sources w/ Larry Berry

AI & Robotics w/ Dan Howard

Peggi Honig


Poetry with Saba Saba

A reading with Strawberry Form

Sonic Octet

Art Workshop w/ Dances & Wolves

Totem Archetypes w/ Tectonic Plates


Connor Voss


Breathing Techniques w/ Sandy Shore

Yoga w/ Heather Lydia

Tai Chi & Restorative Balance w/ Shaun Guskte

Rituals and Balance w/ NovaWave


Scott Fraser

Building a Website w/ Squarespace

Natural Architecture w/ Stephen Finely

Design Grids w Marvin the Martian

Alternative Energy Sources w/ Larry Berry

AI & Robotics w/ Dan Howard

Madeleine Rogers


Poetry with Saba Saba

A reading with Strawberry Form

Sonic Octet

Art Workshop w/ Dances & Wolves

Totem Archetypes w/ Tectonic Plates


Angela Alston


Breathing Techniques w/ Sandy Shore

Yoga w/ Heather Lydia

Tai Chi & Restorative Balance w/ Shaun Guskte

Rituals and Balance w/ NovaWave


Margot Schaal


Building a Website w/ Squarespace

Natural Architecture w/ Stephen Finely

Design Grids w Marvin the Martian

Alternative Energy Sources w/ Larry Berry

AI & Robotics w/ Dan Howard

Janet Steele


Poetry with Saba Saba

A reading with Strawberry Form

Sonic Octet

Art Workshop w/ Dances & Wolves

Totem Archetypes w/ Tectonic Plates


Carol Teitelbaum


Breathing Techniques w/ Sandy Shore

Yoga w/ Heather Lydia

Tai Chi & Restorative Balance w/ Shaun Guskte

Rituals and Balance w/ NovaWave


Dorota Puchala Kriger


Building a Website w/ Squarespace

Natural Architecture w/ Stephen Finely

Design Grids w Marvin the Martian

Alternative Energy Sources w/ Larry Berry

AI & Robotics w/ Dan Howard